For Love Again is dedicated to offering authentic preowned luxury handbags and accessories for
everyone. Our luxury items are guaranteed to be 100% authentic. For Love Again makes no claim to have any affiliation with the designer brands shown our website or media platforms. All copyrights are reserved to the original brand owner. For Love Again is a reseller of all items luxury.
At For Love Again, it is our mission to bring new life to luxury handbags, wallets and jewelry. We source items via consignment or outright purchase and will ultimately find someone to love an item again.
Susie O, our Founder and Head Bag Matchmaker at For Love Again, has spent her career in the luxury arena working for CHANEL, COACH, DIOR and David Yurman. After relocating to Las Vegas from Oahu, Susie started doing live selling shows on whatnot, where she enjoyed sharing her tips for maintaining and refurbishing leather goods. She prides herself on finding items that are nearly new or gently worn. The feedback in her reviews on whatnot are a true testament to show people can shop with confidence that they will receive a beautiful item ready “for love again”.